Скучно. Вот щас возьму и что-нибудь напишу.

Кстати, мое последнее твоерние:

I see her standing in the light

The moon is shining down so bright

And she is waiting for the sun

To come high again,

To shine again.

The wind is blowing through her hair

I wish I could, I could be there

But the race's not yet begun

And I break the walls,

But it's in vain.

I've been walking through the fire,

Falling down and flying higher

I can't fight my own desire.

So close to you

But still so far.

I wish that you were over here

I need to feel you lying near

But when I wake you disappear

Still loving you,

My lucky star.

I hear her laughing in the wind

I see the girl she used to be

I couldn't try, I had no chance

Now I'm loosing her,

There's no return.

Years have passed, she's still alive

She is living in my mind

And I know her final bless -

She said she loved

Before she burned…

I've been walking through the fire,

Falling down and flying higher

I can't fight my own desire.

So close to you

But still so far.

I wish that you were over here

I need to feel you lying near

But when I wake you disappear

Still loving you,

My lucky star.

Current music: Август - И Капает Кровь